October 1st, 2008
Movie: Kidnap; Star Cast: Sanjay Dutt, Imran Khan, Minissha Lamba, Vidya Malvade, Rahul Dev and Reema Lagoo; Director: Sanjay Gadhvi; Rating: *1/2
The movie starts in a different manner unlike others, which depicts the suffering of the hero in his jail tenure in forms of sketches. By seeing that one comes to know how much the poor chap had suffered and is filled with utmost hatred with the person who had put him behind the bars.
The movie has the same old stuffs with the same old storyline. There is nothing new or interesting in Kidnap to watch. It has the same zest as we saw in the movie 'Zinda'. It has the same old revenge seeking formula. One does something wrong in childhood and repents for it later in his adulthood. The tag line, "Bachpan ki karne, aur Jawani mein bharni" surely goes the way.
The theme of the movie is clearly understood by its name; 'Kidnap'. The plot revolves around a girl named Sonia (Minissha Lamba) who lives with her mother, Mallika (Vidya Malvade) because when she was ten years old her parents got divorced. Few days prior to her birthday, she gets kidnapped by Kabir Sharma (Imran Khan).

The kidnapper is interested in talking only to her father, Vikrant Raina (Sanjay Dutt) who is filthy rich, with whom the kidnapper has to settle some old dues.
Vikrant has to follow a particular set of rules laid by the kidnapper in order to free his daughter. The twist is that the kidnapper gives Vikrant clues in will help him get closer to his daughter.
The movie kick-starts with a song which dares to bare Minissha in bikinis and two pieces. All throughout the movie one gets to see for the first time — Minissha Lamba in her sexy and seductive avatar. The clues which are given by Imran are good and is obediently followed by Sanjay Dutt. Though one finds some mistakes in it too. Sanjay owns cash worth $51 Billion. Imran tells Sanjay to reach Panvel station at a given time to find the clue to which Sanjay says it is not possible in such a peak time. Imran then tells him to fly and come but Sanjay (please note again: $51 billion owner) cannot afford a helicopter (it seems) and instead robs other people's cars and bikes to reach his destination.
We get to see some very some very strange bonding and emotional conversations between the Minissha and Sanjay when they get to see each other (both handcuffed)It seems that Minissha had been offered the role in this movie only to expose (which she did a little too much). The interesting part is that one gets to see Minissha in all the more revealing clothes after she is been kidnapped (who on Earth will do that); and that did attract Imran towards her.
The movie did have some good camera work. The sequence shot in the jail was worth praise.
Talking about the characters in the movie; Sanjay was impressive. Imran played his character well and fitted into the role. He did prove he is a typical 'Khan' and has a long way to go. Vidya too was worth a watch. Minissha gave a direct message to actresses who have revealed and gained praises that she is no less and as surely joined the queue.The music of the film is strictly ok, apart from a few songs like Mit Jaaye, Hey Ya, Mausam. The action sequence is good specially Imran jumping phenomenon.
Sanjay Gadhvi has not at all done justice to his work and small mistakes are in plenty. We expected more of quality work from him.
First half of the movie is tolerable but the second half irritates you to the core. It can be clearly felt that the movie is being dragged without a point. All in the entire movie fails to grab an attention and has in no sense done justice to the hypes created.
A Big Disappointment, Indeed.